Finished Kirituhi tribal style tattoo designs


I just finished two nice tattoo designs in a Kirituhi style mixed with some other tribal elements.
The first one is a forearm tatoo design, which has some flames at the wrist in a negative space.
The other elements had to be sharp and my customer wanted some curles in it.
Here's the final tat2 design:

forearm tribal flames tattoo polynesian design

The second design is for the elbow in a Kirituhi-style with some "storm3d" flow to it.
It's a seamless piece, so the tattoo will wrap around without any visible edges.

elbow tribal tattoo kirituhi style images designs

Will be back in a day or two with a backpiece and some other projects, so check back soon!

Kind regards, Mark Storm



...ο σκορπιός μου είναι έτοιμος!

Lady Luck

Nice reader submission from Erin, done by Tiffany at Planet Ink Studios in Ottawa,Ontario Canada.

Old School Tattoo

old school tattoo

Old School Tattoo Flash Options

By The Starks

Old School Tattoo
Flash has some characteristic features that have made him popular both on and off throughout the ages. In the 1990s, there was a significant movement towards greater realism in tattooing, which tended to relegate the school drawings more old seconds. The 1990s have generally represented a renaissance in tattooing when art moved from the basement to a clearly acceptable in society. Over the years, tattoos older style flash has seen a gain in popularity as more people and others have decided to decorate their bodies with tattoo art.

old school tattooOld school tattoo art tends toward simpler designs and cartoon-style representations that do the most modern forms. Several themes of this art center around the underground from which emerged the tattoo. Maps, wild women, motorcycles and other themes tend to predominate. Military vehicles are as popular as tattooing is a means by which veterans of the past tended to focus on their service record literally or under the handle. Some of these tattoos listen back to a different age and have a sense Nice historic can animate a sleeve or very modern collection of tattoos.

Old School Tattoo Flash tends to use bright colors and simple shading and feel a little more two dimensional as Flash modern. When modern flash tends to be very photorealistic or two dimensions, as is the case with most works of tribal art, flash old school tattoo tend to fall somewhere in between. If we consider the work of tattoo that may have been seen on hippies and bikers of old, there will be a good idea of what to expect from this style of art. This may or may not be desirable for the individual.

old school tattooOld School tattoo Flash also contains elements that lend themselves to a work which is composed of several different tattoos instead of a sleeve which is a recurring theme throughout. Many people in the past specific parts of their arm or body tattoo, but the cover was a rarity in the past and becomes really popular in the past 20 years. For those who do not want full coverage, but would like more one tattoo on their arms or backs, flash old school tattoo is a good place to look for more individual pieces of art.

Find old school tattoo online Flash is a good way to get a good start in his quest. You can search by specific tattoos popular past-Betty Boop, for example, or by specific themes. If we try to get their logo on their military division arm or another part of their body, looking to the older design in May offer a unique way to do it. Some versions of Flash the old school tattoo these logos are based in renditions of historic symbols of units and may offer more than one link with the past that compliance with this.

old school tattoo

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Celtic Zodiac

The Celtic zodiac is a interesting aspect of astrology. It is a druid zodiac. There are Celtic zodiac signs, too just like in approved astrometry and they are bent by what date you were born. Each assurance has assertive characteristics that are accepted to it. The Celtic zodiac deals with the moon and it is divided into 13 altered sections. The signs in the Celtic zodiac are known as tree signs because the druids believed that anybody comes from a tree. There are many things to learn about the Celtic zodiac and the Celtic zodiac signs. Be sure that you find out as much as you can about it afore you start following it so you know what you are searching at. The Celtic zodiac must be studied, especially if you are unfamiliar with the whole Druid existence.

About Celtic Art

Celtic art had three capital functions: decoration, religious symbolism, and depictions of stories. For the a lot of allotment it is absolutely adornment and art for the account of beauty. I now accept that, area acceptation can be assigned, a lot of of the old apologue attributed to Celtic knots either has been absent or is a after development. There is no absolute ancient ascendancy (like the Bible) on the meaning of any of the thousands of designs.

tribal tattoo flames lower arm design


Here's another new design I'm working on this week. It's a lower arm tattoo piece, for a German customer. The tatoo is placed on the outside of the lower arm and wraps around to the inside a little. It had to look like a warrior armlet, with some symbols of fire, triangular shapes and flowing kirituhi curles.
The first three pictures of the design in progress:

tribal flames tattoo arm design sketchesflames tattoo for the lower arm tribal style

fire tattoo flaming designs tribal maori tattoo

Any comments on this design? Just let me know!

Kind regards, Mark

Deeper shade

Deeper shade:
Η επιστήμη της δερματοστιξίας σε διαφορετικούς τόνους.
Οι άνθρωποι με σκούρο δέρμα έχουν περιορισμένες επιλογές σχεδίων και χρωμάτων λόγω της σκούρας απόχρωσης του δέρματος τους.

Οι δημιουργοί και οι πελάτες τους πρέπει να συμβιβαστούν λόγω του ασυμβίβαστου μερικών χρωμάτων και των τόνων τους.

Για να καταλάβουμε γιατί ορισμένα χρώματα είναι ασύμβατα με σκούρα δέρματα, πρέπει πρώτα να εξετάσουμε τους μηχανισμούς του ίδιου του δέρματος. Στο tattoo δουλεύονται μόνο τα δύο πρώτα επίπεδα του δέρματος που ονομάζονται επιδερμίδα και δέρμα.

Η επιδερμίδα είναι βασικά φτιαγμένη από κύτταρα μελανίνης και κερατίνης.Αυτά τα κύτταρα παράγουν την πρωτείνη που δίνει στην επιδερμίδα προστατευτική ιδιότητα.
Αναπαρ'αγονται κάθε 35-45 ημέρες και σταδιακά συμπυκνώνονται και απορρίπτονται από το δέρμα σαν νεκρά κύτταρα.

Τα μελανοκύτταρα παράγουν μελανίνη, την ουσία που δίνει στο δέρμα το χρώμα του.
Οταν παράγεται μελανίνη απορροφάται από τα κύτταρα της κερατίνης με σκοπό την προστασία του δέρματος των ανθρώπων.Η διαφορά στην ποσότητα της μελανίνης μας δίνει τους διαφορετικούς τύπους δέρματος των ανθρώπων.

Εχοντας αυτά υπόψιν προχωρούμε στο δέρμα.
Αυτός ο ιστός είναι κάτω από την επιδερμίδα και εμπεριέχει όλα τα νεύρα, τις ρίζες των τριχών και τα αιμοφόρα αγγεία.Οταν κάποιος κάνει tattoo οι βελόνες εισχωρούν στην επιδερμίδα πιέζοντας και αποθηκεύοντας μελάνι στο δέρμα μόνιμα.
Γι αυτό αν και τα κύτταρα της επιδερμίδας συνεχώς ανανεώνονται τα tattoo παραμένουν.
Το δέρμα είναι ημιδιαφανές και γι αυτό τα χρώματα φαίνονται κάτω από τα επίπεδα της επιδερμίδας.Αν το δέρμα έχει μεγαλύτερη συγκέντρωση μελανίνης τότε είναι λιγότερο διαφανές και έτσι επιτρέπει σε λιγότερα χρώματα να φαίνονται.

Δεν νομίζω πως σας είπα κάτι που δεν γνωρίζετε! Προσπάθησα όμως να σας εξηγήσω με επιστημονικό τρόπο, γιατί τα χρώματα είναι μουντά σε ανθρώπους με σκούρο δέρμα, αν και το αποτέλεσμα σε κάθε περίπτωση διαφέρει! Το δέρμα είναι μοναδικό και ότι είναι καλό για κάποιους τύπους δέρματος μπορεί να προκαλέσει προβλήματα σε άλλους.

Η καλύτερη συμβουλή που μπορώ να σας δώσω, είναι να βρείτε έναν δημιουργό, που να έχει τη γνώση και την εμπειρία που χρειάζεται, για να καταλάβει την πρόκληση του να δουλεύει σε βαθύτερους τόνους δέρματος! Δεν υπάρχουν πολλοί.....

Tattoos Pics

tattoos pics

When you want Crystal Clear Tattoos pics, Here's How to Get Them

By Adam Woodham

It is not only seen a couple of decent tattoos pics. It is a horrible way to learn about and make decisions for yourself. It's horrible to see loads of basic illustrations cookie cutter, which is exactly what many of you through this time. To stay away from this filth generic and get directly to large, collections of high quality tattoos pics, one small change is necessary.

tattoos picsThat's all you have to do to get a fresh start and to sift galleries absolute top available to you. Too often, however, people get in their way. They are set in their ways and keep on chugging along, use search engines every time they surf the Web for galleries of tattoos. This is a growing problem because search engines only show you where the good galleries are stacked. You could see tattoos pics this way, but it will be placing all my credits, because none of the sites above artwork, found in those search results more.

You can do something about this in a split second, however. All you have to do is change that I mentioned, which includes drag in a large forum. Every great forum will surprisingly work. They will fix everything for you because they have a huge archive, which are filled to the brim with various topics on the art of tattooing. If you want to fly to the sites that have amazing tattoos pics, for broad ranges of choice of style, immerse yourself in some broader issues. People talk back and forth, helping one another in giving names and links to great works of art they have bumped into. You will never find this amount of works of art of quality through this method of "other" research.

Seeing great tattoos pics is crucial because it can really affect the type of cover you put yourself.

tattoos pics

tattoos pics

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Elbow tattoo design in mixed tribal style


It has been a while since I posted my last sketches and updates, but here is a new tattoo project that I started yesterday.
One of my customers asked me to do an elbow tattoo, similar to the one Cesc Fabregas has.
He only wanted to have it in a mixed tribal style like some of my images on my website.

Here are the first pictures of this design in progress:

tattoo sketches tribal style to printtribal tattoo sketches images storm3d

printable tattoo arm elbow designs tribalThe design has to be seamless, so I need to do some work on both sides to complete the sketch.

I e-mailed these pictures to my client, so I will get back soon with an update.

Kind regards, Mark Storm


What about Bob?

Vintage Bob Tyrell

Poles Apart

A nice reader submission from Jakub from Poland. Tattoo by Batoon.

Storm3d featured in tattoo magazine "Tattoo Planet"


Yesterday my brother visited me with a copy of the Dutch tattoo magazine "Tattoo Planet".
In the past some of my drawings were published when I contacted them, that was a really nice surprise.
But in the latest magazine, my website was reviewed and had some really positive comments. I didn't know that they were going to publish it, so this is really great.

Here's the article:

review high resolution website tattoo planet

The text translated in English:

"This is the website of Mark Storm, a Dutch tattoo designer, specialized in Maori tattoos and other tribals. All of his tattoo images are scanned and offered on his website in A3 size. You can print the design and take it to your tatoo shop as an example.
The designs on this website vary from shoulder and arm pieces to backpieces. The total amount of designs is 114 drawings, but if you cannot find a perfect one, you can contact Mark Storm for a custom designs, as long as it is not a cover-up or extension .
He likes to do his own style and doesn't want to be interfered by other pieces.

The drawings are impressive and in high quality posted on his website. This site is really recommended!

Kind regards, Mark Storm

Coming Up Rosey

...and the wonderful Marilyn portrait below is followed by possibly the best ever tattooist submission, which comes from Anabi Tattoo in Poland. Again, whoah.

Some Like It Hot!

This next tattoo could be the best reader submission I've ever recieved. Veronica's wonderful Marilyn Monroe portrait was done by Stefano Alcantara of Last Rites, NY. Whoah. It puts Megan Fox's arm into context, for sure.

Ooh Arrrrrr!

This wench comes from 'landpirate, done by Jamie Davies at Tattooz Ink, Redding, Ca.

Masi Attack

Tiffany sent in this nice Mike De Masi pinup.


O Σκορπιός αντιπροσωπεύει την προσπάθεια και την αντίσταση, τη δυναμική αλλαγή, και μερικές φορές επίσης την αντοχή και το θρίαμβο της ζωής.

However, our modern western tradition of seeing a scorpion in the night sky as a constellation built around Antares comes from the ancient Greeks and their myths of Orion. Big and handsome, according to one version, and the son of the god Poseidon, Orion was a skilled hunter. When he journeyed to Crete and joined up with the goddess Artemis, the ultimate maiden of the hunt, and her mother Leto, their combined hunting prowess threatened to wipe out all the animals on earth. It was thus left to Gaia, the earth goddess, to stop them. She sent a giant scorpion to kill Orion and it eventually did just that, stinging him as he tried to escape.

Υ.γ.Ο συγκεκριμένος Σκορπιός είναι το νέο μου tattoo! To φοράω στον καρπό μου.Είναι cover up και δεν έχει τελειώσει ακόμα!

Tribal forearm tattoo tutorial video on youtube


It has been really nice job to do some filming and editing for my latest design "tutorial"
First I had to set up my new camera (Panasonic HDC-SD9) which records in Full HD quality ;) on a sd-card.
I recorded several scenes and edited it in Windowns Movie maker, I'm not a pro on editing, so I used this simple tool to add some titles and credits. Then uploaded it to youtube and Voila! here it is!

In this video to show you how I create and uptimized my designs. This time it's a forearm sketch in tribal style, which I'm tracing in the first video, I posted the sketches yesterday, so you can find it in my previous posting. In the second one you see how I scan the design, uptimize it and make a high resolution linedrawing in Photoshop CS3.

I received the following e-mail from my customer when he got the high resolution design:


"Hi Mark,

Thanks for completing, I love it :)

Can't wait to get it done and will definitely send you some photos once complete.

As some feedback I would like to say that you have provided a very professional, simple and friendly service.
Excellent communication with your client and a great turnaround time from start to finish. I am recommending your designs and great customer service to friends and I will be checking in to your blog for your new designs for a future tattoo.

(Please feel free to use this quote, online or elsewhere)

Many thanks,

Rich Wallace."


Here's the final result in low resolution.

tribal forearm tattoo design storm3d maori

Any questions? Just let me know.

Regards, Mark Storm
Hi there, as you have realized it's almost a year since I've last updated this blog. That's probably because I became desensitized to tattoos, and to put it simply, I've lost the drive to search and publish them. Here's a batch that has gathered on my email box and some recent finds. So enjoy them, it's certainly not the last post here , but I moved my bloging activity to a more personal (not much) perpleXuzed blog.

Big thanks to the contributors, without you this collection would never be so huge!

Tattoo Symbols

tattoo symbols

Why Chinese Tattoo Symbols Offer More Options for Designing a Tattoo

By Neil Wight

In recent years the Chinese Tattoo Symbols has become a hot item among tattoo artists and fans. The beauty and the mystery behind this design can provide good ideas for a tattoo or a series of tattoos. Tattoo Symbols and designs that you can get from this ancient culture has led to demands for more interesting designs and works of art.

What can offer Chinese tattoo symbols?

tattoo symbolsFor one, there is a certain beauty about the way Chinese words and tattoo symbols to be displayed. If you've seen the writing of this ancient culture you will be able to see why many people have the words in Chinese tattoos for all sorts of body parts.

Chinese people like their writing skills and how they where able to master the writing of calligraphy. Because there are many words and symbols added each year to the Chinese culture is not difficult to find designs. The words and symbols can mean many different things tattoo fans who give a lot of ideas for the next tattoo.

The beauty and mystery of these symbols provide a certain allure to get this type of tattoo. When compared with the books of the images in a tattoo shop, these symbols can express more with less design.

tattoo symbolsThere's only one problem when getting a tattoo in Chinese. The problem is to make sure you understand the correct translation of the word or symbol. Having someone who understands the Chinese language to translate words or symbols because words do not always translate correctly.

For example, you might want to get a tattoo of Chinese words to say "free spirit". When in fact the word spirit means you get a free or less inhabitants. See what I mean? Make sure you understand clearly what you get, or maybe a joke on you, literally.

Selection designs and tattoo symbols that have not utilized when it comes to tattoos. Chinese symbol tattoo tattoo newer demand that gives you lots of ideas that other people do not have.

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Με ένα τατουάζ...

...δίνουμε όρκο πίστης στο σώμα μας ή ένα εύσημο στις μόδες του καιρού; Με ένα τατουάζ κεντάμε τη νεκρή φύση μιας μνήμης ζωντανής ή βυθιζόμαστε στην τρέλα ενός γλυκού πόνου;

Οι αρχαϊκοί Πολυνήσιοι θα υιοθετούσαν φαντάζομαι με ευχαρίστηση δικές μας θεολογικές διατυπώσεις, για την απόδοση του νοήματος που έχει γι' αυτούς ο δικός τους όρος «ΤΑ-ΑΤΟΥΑΖ». Εννοούν την αποτύπωση της θεϊκής ψυχής στο γήινο σώμα, τη στίξη του πνεύματος στο κορμί, το ίχνος του υπερφυσικού ως προστασία από τους κακούς δαίμονες, το «σημείο» της θείας πρόνοιας, το σύμβολο της εύνοιας του θεού προς το θνητό.

Το τατουάζ δεν είναι ένας τρόπος να «μιλάς»;...
Το πέρασμά σου αφήνει ίχνη στον αμφιβληστροειδή των «άλλων».
Ίχνη-χρονοσχέδια: δείχνουν το πέρασμα του χρόνου.
Ίχνη-εύσημα: ο τρόπος να νιώθεις ηρωικά διαφορετικός.
Ίχνη-άνθη του σώματος: αισθητικό πάσο των προσωπικών σου τελετών, χάρτης αφής που βρίσκει το χαμένο θησαυρό της λίμπιντο. Ένα τατουάζ είναι μαγικό φυλακτό, εξιτήριο σκληρής δοκιμασίας, κάλλος διακοσμητικό, μοδάτη ουλή ή και... απολύτως τίποτα!

Ενα ιερό σήμα, θεϊκό ίχνος στη φθαρτή σάρκα.

Tattoo Galleries

tattoo galleries

Tattoo Galleries Where You Can Tattoos High Quality Print

Adam Woodham

You can not doubt find a bunch of tattoo galleries where you can print tattoos. What you may not be able to do is look for places that have "quality" artwork for printing. There are so darn many web sites with nothing but generic, cookie cutter design and it's all most of us finally found. Well, there are tattoo gallery really great out there where you can print tattoos and here's how to reach them.

tattoo galleriesBefore we get to the meat of the discussion, I think you need to know "why" everyone kept hitting the low end of this gallery, as this will help you in the future. Number one problem facing people is that they use search engines to find tattoo galleries where they can print tattoos. In fact, 95% of the population will only use a search engine. All that is usually done is to show this long, random list of low end, low quality web sites and they were all filled with nothing but ten years of generic art.

This is fine if you're after a cookie cutter design that hundreds of people have signed on their bodies already, but I assume you do not want that. If you wish to find tattoo galleries where you can print high-quality tattoo, you might want to step aside and began to use other ways to find them.

tattoo galleriesThe best way to do this is to implement the use of the internet forum. This is the perfect place and most people do not even realize it. If you head to one of the larger forums around the web, you can use the search function to come up with tons of their past and present on this topic. Here where you can find a tattoo gallery like others where you can print a good tattoo. Men and women in these topics always seem to share links to places where they find hidden, because they know how hard it can find a decent gallery. This is a simple way to find high-quality gallery to print tattoos that you really like and can really appreciate.

No matter which tattoo galleries you end up in print, make sure you take your time to find the right design for you, because you'll probably thank yourself in the near future.

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forearm tattoo design in Kirituhi tribal style


Just a nice project today, really enjoying these kind of designs. This one is a mixture of tribal styles and a bit of my own "storm3d-style" ;)

maori forearm tribal tattoo designforearm tribal maori tattoo designThis tatoo sketch is inspired by another custom design I did. You can find that shoulder tattoo design here.

The total height is 22 cm x 8 to 10 cm in width. It's for the inside of the lower arm.

My client wanted some strong traditional triangle patterns, and flowing lines to balance out the tat2.

Just let me know what you think!

Regards, Mark
