About Celtic Knot Crosses

The Celts were a West European group of people who's history goes back to the second century BC. They lived in tribes and roamed the Western Europe. There is a legend that the Celtic cross was designed by Saint Patrick who was trying to convert the pagan Irish people. This cross is a combination of the Christian cross and the sun, which was worshipped by the Celtic druids.The oldest examples of crosses are those engraved or painted on flat pebbles, dating from 10,000 BC, found in a cave in the French Pyrenees. These stones were believed to contain the spirits of the dead.The cross with the characteristic circle is probably the most recognized of all Celtic symbols. The center of the cross is also representative of the center place where all forces of Life, source of the four mystic rivers, summit of the world mountain, and other interpretations of the X that marks the spot. Its meaning can also represent navigation, we can look to the cross as a symbolic compass, guiding us through a spiritual sea. 

Tribal Tattoo Designs

Tribal Tattoo Designs

Tribal Tattoo Designs Bring samples of primitive art to life

Terry Daniels

The art of tribal tattoo designs look good, but more importantly, each tribal tattoo designs has a profound meaning. When choosing a tattoo, you should consider these meanings, and make sure that you believe in the statement that you are doing.

Select Tribal Tattoo Designs

Tribal Tattoo DesignsThere are several different tribal tattoo designs on choice. There are tribal zodiac designs, sun and stars, religious symbols, and even tribal tattoo designs group. Each design has a meaning, whether spiritual or social. This was the case in ancient times, tattoos were used as a sign of belonging to a group, or religious, magical or spiritual beliefs.

Some of the oldest known tribal tattoo designs existed thousands of years ago. Many of these tattoos depicted the sun and the stars in honor of the god of the sun and the element of fire. Tribal Sun tattoo, as well as stars, can vary in size and degree of detail. This makes them adapt to any part of your body, in spite of the shoulders and back, seems the most popular places. If you want to get creative, you can make a chain of stars with tribal tattoo designs image of the sun as the center point.

The other selection of recent popularity of the zodiac tribal tattoo designs. Zodiac is the first known celestial coordinate system. Greek and Roman Zodiac is the most popular, but the cultures around the world apply the astrological meaning of the stars for millennia. Although there is no scientific basis, many people identify themselves with the characteristics of their zodiac sign. If you're one of those people, tribal tattoo designs zodiac tattoo can be for you.

Tribal Tattoo DesignsAs already noted, tattoos have a religious meaning represented for many years. Because of this, many people have chosen to represent their beliefs in a primitive way with tribal tattoo designs of religious symbols. Depending on your belief, you can do some research before you make your decision. The key to make sure that you are using a character that is most meaningful to you. From here you can exercise creativity in your design, or let your tattoo artist tattoo design for you.

Tribal armband tattoos are probably the most common form of tribal tattoo designs art. Arm, usually formed from the flames, barbed wire, or node works, but you should not stay with the basics. Point tattoo to make it personal, so that you can use any type of tribal art that you would like to include in a bandage. For example, you can use the barbed wire wrapped around his hands, holding a religious symbol or a sign of the zodiac on the spot. Other images may be included, as well, including animals or words. For something more personalized, armband tattoos could even be adapted around your wrist, as well.

Tribal Tattoo Designs

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Maori inspired shoulder tattoo piece


Here's another shoulder tattoo piece inspired by the Kirituhi / Maori style. This custom tatoo design is for the upper shoulder and top of the shoulderblade.
It has nice complex lines and fills:

shoulder upper maori tattoo design linesshoulder mauri tatou designs custom pieces pictures

The final design looks like this:

flash tatoo for sale high resolution images

Regards, Mark

Tattoo Kits

Tattoo Kits

What Tattoo Kits Should Contain

Jamie Hanson and Isabel Lucas

Any new tattoo kits artist knows that they will need tattoo kits equipment, but it may be a bit overwhelming when you see how much you want to get started. Tattoo Kits can be a good investment, allowing you to choose to start with the basics and then go from there. Often the child will include everything from the Tattoo, tattoo machines and tattoo ink.
Here's how a lot of tattoo artists in art.

Tattoo KitsYou can not expect that all the best equipment from the outset, especially me you are in the mode of the starving artist. Even sorting through what tattoo equipment is required to get started can be a big problem, however. If you decide to go with a tattoo kits, you can start working on your Tattoo immediately and can begin to earn money to build your equipment.

With complete Beginner's?

Although the actual tattoo kits equipment will depend on the configuration of tattoos and the supplier, the following issues are quite common:


Transfer Pape

Basic inkset


Practice skin

Tattoo Machines (choose between linear or shaders)

Tattoo KitsYou will also find that these kits contain everything a beginner into small pieces to assemble the car and start working. The best of them will even include the preparation of the CD or DVD, to help you start or textbooks. You can use the practice of skin test structures, which are included in the book and learn how to do their own tattoos.

These kits should come with a carry case as well, so that you can take it from place to place with you. If you're new to the world of art tattoo, you probably do not shop to work in so you probably will be for your clients, once you have some experience. Many new artists of the first practice on fake skin and then themselves before going to work with friends and eventually given to customers. This will allow you to create your experience slowly until you are well enough to charge money for what you are doing.

Not just for beginners

I do not think that a tattoo kits only for beginners, though! You can also find them in a more professional version available which offer the best range of supplies. In fact, Pro Kit can be quite serious, and usually includes a full set of inks, not as a principal, one or two tattoo machines and all necessary accessories to make it work. You will also find things like gloves, which are convenient to use when working with clients you do not want to come into contact with blood, and the transfer paper and pencils to allow you to transfer designs you have in mind on the face.

Tattoo KitsPluses and often favor these kits because they make it very easy to capture everything you need and head to see the client. You can also take it on the road and even tattoos wherever you are until you have a method for cleaning your equipment. With Pro kits are a little more variety in them, they will be more expensive, but they can also be useful for those beginners who do not meet the basic kit.

If you are just starting out and need a basic kit or the old Pro, but would like to add a cover to the tattoo kits equipment, tattoo kit can be a very good investment. Many tattoo artists use their collections, even if they have a shop and are able to work in relative comfort. Having a portable kit with your tattoo ink, tattoo transfers and car is always at hand.

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Kirituhi forearm tattoo design


Here's a forearm tattoo design in Kirituhi style, it's a custom design for a customer from the USA.
He wanted an original Maori piece on his left forearm and a Kirituhi design on his other forearm.
The size of this tattoo sketch is 25 cm long and approx. 12 cm wide, narrowing down to 6 cm at the wrist.

First I started to draw the outline of the design and began filling the shape with flowing lines, koru curves and sharp edges.

I sent it to the customer to check if I was heading in the right direction. He really liked the first preview, so I could start on the fill with some tribal patterns.

Here are two pictures of the sketch, the outlines, the total sketch and finally the completed design.

forearm maori tattoo design kirituhi imageshigh resolution tattoo tribal picturesmaori tattoo flash arm forearm designs flash

Kind regards, Mark Storm

Merry tattooed xmas everyone...
Are you ready for 2010?

Σε όσους δεν έκαναν tattoo φέτος, εύχομαι να τους καεί το δέντρο,η Εφη Θώδη να τους πει τα κάλαντα στ αγγλικά, ο Αι Βασίλης να σφηνώσει στο τζάκι τους και να τους κάνει ποδαρικό ο Μητσοτάκης.



maori inspired ribcage tattoo sketch


After some busy weeks, doing multiple custom tattoo designs, I would like to show you some sketches of my latest works.
I created a Kirituhi design for the side of the body, on the ribcage.
My client asked me to combine some maori inspired style elements, with the initials of his nephews.

I'm not really fond of doing tattoos with lettering, but this one wasn't that hard.

Here are a few photographs of the design in progress.
In the first images the balance was too much focussed on the upper part of the tattoo design, so I redesigned it.

maori kirituhi ribcage tattoo stomach imagesribcage tattoos maori style design tribalhigh resolution ribcage tattoos tribal style

Finally here's a photo of the finished tattoo on the side of the body:

ribcage tattoo photo design side of the stomach

In a few days I will post another tattoo design, this time it's a forearm design in Kirituhi style.

Kind regards, Mark Storm

Αφαίρεση tattoo

Πώς αφαιρείται το τατουάζ; Η Δερμοαπόξεση (Dermabrasion) γίνεται με την τεχνική του ταυτόχρονου ψεκασμού του τατουάζ με ένα ειδικό ψυκτικό σπρέι το οποίο παγώνει το δέρμα και προκαλεί την αναισθητοποίησή του και της χρήσης ενός ειδικού περιστροφικού ιατρικού εργαλείου το οποίο αφαιρεί τις ανώτερες στοιβάδες του δέρματος οι οποίες έχουν ¨εμποτιστεί¨ με τις χρωστικές του τατουάζ. Η όλη επέμβαση δεν πονά καθόλου και διαρκεί από 10-20 λεπτά ανάλογα με το μέγεθος του τατουάζ. Επίσης δεν χρησιμοποιούνται ούτε ενέσεις αλλά ούτε και τοπική αναισθησία παρά μόνο το ψυκτικό σπρέι που μοιάζει με αυτό που χρησιμοποιείται στις αθλητικές κακώσεις. Το τατουάζ αρχίζει και ¨ξεθωριάζει¨ από την πρώτη κιόλας ημέρα και φεύγει σταδιακά μέσα στους επόμενους μήνες. Τις επόμενες 2 ημέρες κάνουμε αλλαγές χρησιμοποιώντας ένα ειδικό διάλυμα σαν μελάνι το οποίο προσροφά το εναπομείναν χρώμα.
Λέιζερ (Laser) εκπέμπουν δέσμη φωτός διαφορετικού μήκους κύματος ανάλογα με τον τύπο τους και μπορούν να ¨απορροφήσουν¨ συγκεκριμένα χρώματα. Το κακό είναι ότι για ένα τατουάζ μπορεί να χρειαστούν 2 ή 3 διαφορετικά Λέιζερ. Αυτό οφείλεται στο γεγονός ότι ένα τατουάζ συνήθως αποτελείται από πολλά χρώματα.

Dr.Karalexis Apostolos
Στρατιωτικός Ιατρός-Επιμελητής Ν.Ν.Α.
Μετεκπαιδευθείς στις Η.Π.Α. στην Δερματοχειρουργική & Αφροδισιολογία

Aυτά τα ολίγα για όσους αναρωτιόνται τι θα γίνει α) Αν μετανοιώσουν για ένα tattoo αργότερα και
β)Για όσους εν έτη 2009 φοράνε άθλια ερασιτεχνικά tattoo με αυτοσχέδια μοτέρ του προηγούμενου αιώνα!
Στη δε α) περίπτωση -αν ακόμα δεν έχετε tattoo και σκέφτεστε έτσι- απλά μην το κάνετε!
και στη β) περίπτωση υπάρχει και η επιλογή του cover up, διαφορετικά ας προσέχατε!
Black light tattoo is the hottest trend in tattoo art.
Blacklight reactive ink is a great way to have a tattoo that no one can see but under the blacklight or to add a little something special to trip out your friends.
Really how safe is a blacklight tattoo?
Given its extensive testing for FDA approval, with absolutely no adverse reactions to it in over ten years, it is all in the proof, this ink is most likely the safest ink on the market.
Here is the bottom line: from Crazychameleonbodyartsupply.com
- It contains NO phosphors
- It is NOT radio active
- It DOES NOT contain EverGlow
- It does NOT cause cancer
- It has been tested and used with NO adverse reaction in humans for over 10 years.
Αυτά για το εξωτερικό!

Στην Αθήνα, δεν έχω βρει ακόμα καλλιτέχνη που να ασχολείται με αυτό! Γνωρίζω τον τρόπο χτυπήματος ενός τέτοιου tattoo, αλλά (άσχετα με τα όσα λέγονται) δεν γνωρίζω ακόμα αν υπάρχουν παρενέργειες! Επίσης, κάτι που ίσως δεν ξέρετε, είναι, ότι στο φως της ημέρας, το σημάδι από ένα τέτοιο tattoo είναι ορατό...

...γι αυτό το λόγο, προτείνω να κάνετε μόνο το outline κ όχι γεμίσματα!

Μια καλή ιδέα -για όσους θέλουν να δοκιμάσουν- είναι να χτυπήσουν με blacklight ink το περίγραμμα ενός tattoo που έχουν ήδη.

Νέα μόδα; Μπορεί!

Tattoo Supply

Tattoo Supply

Cosmetic Tattoo Supply

By Sarah Freeland

The new millennium brought with it a steady increase in demand for new tattoo supply related procedure, sometimes vaguely called permanent makeup. For the tattoo artist, it can be very positive financial New Rave, but at the same time, it can be quite frightening. The worst end of the process comes with the realization that part of the body that these procedures are carried out on very sensitive areas such as eyelids and lips.

Tattoo SupplyThe actual goal of this technique is a tattoo on certain shades of ink to the target issue, appeared to be makeup at all times. It saves a lot of time to get permanent makeup man, but its only drawback is that it is not removable. Like most tattoos, there are usually no second chance. If you are considering this procedure, think long and hard before taking this step, because there is no turning back.

Regardless of where corporal aim of this new aspect of tattooing, wise artist, of course, learn the tricks of the trade, as demand for permanent makeup is growing by leaps and bounds, and there is an abundance of studios, which currently is offered. To begin with, that the artist would need to collect materials for learning this art. These tattoo supply are generally available through the largest tattoo supply distributor, such as peace tattoo supply, Joe Kaplan tattoo supply, Tattoo XP and needles Jack Tattoo supply. Finding supplies should not be a problem.

Tattoo SupplyOffers materials for this type of procedure instructions (of course), the Book of medical problems, aesthetics for permanent cosmetics Books, permanent cosmetics, equipment and Manuel. You can get different variants of them with any vendor, but if you want them quickly, you can find them online at Society of Permanent Cosmetics Professionals.

Even after receipt of these materials, it remains important to train under a professional for a certain amount of time. Risk of permanent injury and the claim is simply too high risks alone.

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Tattoo Machines

Tattoo Machines

Tattoo Machines Evolution!

By Matt J. Cararra

Tattoos specialists have only three tools of the trade, which is very important: tattoo machines, ink, and the skill of the artist. Sometimes the skill of the artist can be replaced by the use of paper transfers, but the ink and tattoo machines are indispensable to permanent tattoos.

In industrialized countries like the United States, London and Japan, tattoos are made with the help of tattoo machines. The main function of the tattoo machines is to insert the ink into the skin. Repeated proposals paste ink based on the presence of electromagnetic coils. Tattoo machines with arms. This allows the artist to make a very thin model on the skin.

Tattoo MachinesThomas Edison, who is also the inventor of the lightbulb invented the first prototype of the tattoo machine. She was named stencil pens. She looks like a modern day drill, which blows a few holes in the paper of the particular design. This perforated paper that lies flat on the surface, and then colored powder Dusted on the paper. It works like paper. Design of perforated paper can be transferred to any surface.

After fifteen years, stencil pen was modified and patented by Samuel O'Reilly. His improvement on the stencil pens includes pipe Assembly, the ink chamber, a needle and a switch to turn the device on and off. This new tattoo machines also has the ability to customize strokes.

Tattoo Machine today is similar to the machine patented by Percy waters in 1929. Its design consists of two electromagnetic machines, which are parallel. It is relatively safe because it has a spark shield, and switch much easier. Since then, several other various improvements made on this machine specified Percy waters, but it has essentially remained unchanged for many years.

Tattoo MachinesThat was in 1979 that another patent for the tattoo machines was issued by Carol Nightingale. His contribution to the evolution of the various tattoo machines spring mechanism allows for detailed work. He also added lever control coils. Current machine tattoo has come a long way since then. Today, he is able to control up to speed and depth, which allows him to have an accurate pressure. Tattoo machines continue to evolve today, as the tattoo to keep on adding their own improvements, even without its patents. Verily, tattoo, now the exact form of art

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Dj tattoo in polynesian style finished

Hi there,

I finished the tattoo for the Dutch DJ, incorporating the turtle motive and a stylized turntable.

dj tattoo design polynesian style spearheads tatauRegards, Mark

photo shoulder tattoo 143


I received a really nice photo from one of my customers. A few months ago he ordered shoulder tattoo 143 from my gallery and here's the finished piece:

His tattoo artist extended the design, to make it fit his arm.

shoulder tattoo 143 storm3d.com polynesian styleshoulder tattoo 143 high resolution design for sale

I'm working on a few custom designs, so I will get back soon with new sketches and finished tattoo designs

Regards, Mark

shoulder sketch tattoo DJ music


Yesterday I finished the pencil sketch for a Dutch DJ. I incorporated a stylized turntable at the top of the tattoo in a mixed tribal style.
It also shows some turtle elements, spearheads and some koru shapes.
Here's the photo of the completed sketch:

shoulder turtle dj tattoo design in tribal polynesian style

Kind regards, Mark Storm

Tattoo Images

Tattoo Images

Find Free Tattoo Images Online

Chess McDoogle

You can find free tattoo images on the Internet. There are different places to look.

1. Blogs and sites for free tattoo images Online.

Tattoo ImagesThere are a number of free images for tattoos tattoo that many sites offer, as well as various blogs. Typically, they are fairly basic style of design, and tend to get shuffled from site to site. This is a great option if you are interested in a simple design, nothing too detailed. But beyond that, you have to go elsewhere for better work.

Now, some artists have their own blogs, and will periodically publish a free design. This may be something to keep updated on the bookmark your blog and check back occasionally.

2. Membership Tattoo internet sites.

Tattoo ImagesWhile technically these sites offer free online tattoo images, there is a big catch - you have to join the site. And you probably guessed, it costs money to join. But when you're inside, all the images (and there are thousands and thousands of tattoos), become your hostage. This means that you can immediately print depending on your you want and as much as you want. From there you can take a printout directly to the office and get a Tat signed on. Although these pictures online for free first tattoo requires that you have joined up to your site, it still may be worth a divorce paint all the high quality of work. Plus they are the latest styles there, and also containing a classic, old school ink. You get unlimited access and can browse at your convenience, which is a big plus and can be release from scrolling and trolling around hundreds of blog sites trying to find the perfect tattoo images.

Tattoo Images

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Polynesian style shoulder tattoo


At the moment, I'm working on a shoulder tattoo design for a Dutch customer.
He wanted a Polynesian style tattoo, with some elements like turtle shells and stars.
Additionally he wanted to incorporate some kind of element, representing him being a DJ.

So here are the first few pictures:

polynesian turtle tattoo design shellspolynesian tatou design turtle shell

I'll get back soon with an update.


National Elv

Another classic Elvgren peice from Tim Harris.

Ill Health

Nice and dark from Claire Reid

Spock-style ears

Ο Δρ Lajos Nagy υποστηρίζει ότι η τεχνική του, στην αισθητική χειρουργική, δλδ το στυλ Spock των αυτιών μπορεί πραγματικά να βελτιώσει την ακοή.Ένας από τους λόγους, μας λέει, είναι ότι τα κομμένα αυτιά, στρέφουν προς τους ήχους με έναν καλύτερο τρόπο. (Στην περίπτωση των ζώων, συμπληρώνεται από το γεγονός ότι μπορούν να προσανατολιστούν προς την πηγή ήχων χωρίς στροφή των κεφαλιών τους, με την κίνηση μόνο των αυτιών τους.) Ενας δεύτερος λόγος είναι η υπέροχη εμπειρία που αποχτά κάποιος, όταν ακούει μουσική!Γι αυτό πολλοί fun ενός συγκεκριμένου είδους μουσικής, έχουν επιλέξει αυτό το στυλ στ' αυτιά τους!
Ευτυχώς προς το παρόν, αυτό συμβαίνει μόνο στη N.Y. Σίγουρα δεν είναι τέχνη.... Aπλώς το διάβασα και ήθελα να το δείτε!

Τώρα αν ρωτήσετε τι γνώμη μου....Τι να πω; Χίλιες φορές tattoo...

New tattoo design added to storm3d gallery


In my previous post I showed some sketches of an upper back tattoo.
I have just finished the first sketch and added it to my maori gallery on my website:

upper back sketch tattoos for salenew maori designs sketches images

It is nr. Maori 117

Simply click the images to order this design.


Sketches spine tattoo design tribal style


It has been a while since I posted my latest sketches, but here are a few of my new designs.
A customer from the UK asked me to do a small tattoo, Kiri tuhi style for the spine, just between the shoulder blades.

I came up with this sketch:

upper back tattoo spine maori style

Unfortunately I made the tattoo too wide, so I had to start a new sketch
(I finished this design for my own gallery, you can find it here, it's "Maori 117")

It was not exactly what she was looking for, she wanted it to be a bit less bulky and a bit more feminin.

spine tattoo maori fern tatou images

The rough size is 15 cm high and 20 cm wide for the first sketch.
The second tatou is 15 cm high and 9 cm wide.

The final sketch looked like this and the high resolution tattoo is also shown.

maori spine tattoos designer imageshigh resolution maori flash designs
Kind regards, Mark Storm